About OUR Organization

Alternative Teaching Strategy Center (ATSC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to Researching and Providing Services to all children and young adults who exhibit Complex Communication Needs.

We Provide Academic, Tutoring, and Psychological Services to Children with Dyslexia, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Stroke complications, Autism and other Cognitive and Learning Disabilities. Our Reading and Communication Specialists are specifically trained to work with children of varying needs and abilities.

We work Directly with Children and Provide one-on-one Services to Children and adults from all over the world.

Alternative Teaching Strategy Center (ATSC) is dedicated to Researching Treatments and interventions Primarily in Communication and Language Skills in Children with a Wide Spectrum of Communication Challenges. The group’s work includes topics related to the effective overall treatment options and methods, the use of technology in treatment, implementation of Special Education especially in Public Schools, Socialization, and ethical Practice, with a goal of improving the quality of life for the aforementioned populations.

Alternative Teaching Strategy Center was started in 2008 by Dalia and Gary Shkedy.  The Center was started initially to provide service for their son Ethan who is diagnosed with Non Verbal Autism (Verbal Apraxia). Since the inception of ATSC, Dalia and Gary have provided support and services to hundreds of children and adults with extra special needs from all over the world.

Alternative Teaching Strategy Center (ATSC) acts as the children's guide and Creates Communication opportunities to ALL children in Need. As we Provide verbal model for kids who are Learning Language, we model language with the Visual Communication Analysis™ (VCA) method.  

Visual Communication Analysis™ (VCA) is an application of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) which can help elicit Accelerated Communication, Bolster Self-Esteem & Decrease Maladaptive Behaviors.